2021-01-14 MRRC: Denser Schedule Announcement

January 14, 2021

Greetings MRRC User Community,

We are happy to announce the schedule will transition from 2 hour blocks to flexible scheduling beginning on February 1st, 2021. There will still be a required 30 minutes between each scan, to allow for cleaning and the room to rest. This change will provide dense scheduling now that the University of Pittsburgh has allowed Tier 3 studies to continue with some restrictions. It is crucial that users continue to follow our COVID-19 SOP, and wear the proper PPE. Users who fail to follow the SOP or wear the proper PPE will be given a warning after a first infraction and their protocol will be suspended from using the MRRC after a second infraction and reported to the IRB.

Attached please find the more dense schedule draft. We will begin adding this to the schedule for 30 days, please be patient as this does take a bit of time to add.

    • Please check with your staff to make sure they are receiving communications from the MRRC, if they are not please email Jen Dobberstein.
    • Continue to screen your subjects for COVID-19 24 hours before arriving at the MRRC
    • Please wait to be called to come to the MRRC. Users who arrive at the MRRC without being called will be asked to leave and their slot will be canceled.
    • Provide a phone number for the slot, as this is separate from the subject information that is submitted to confirm the slot.
      Please see our how to’s on the website on how to add your contact information.
      If a phone number is not provided under primary contact we will cancel your slot.

    • All our communications and SOP’s are available on the website.
    • Wear a mask, wash your hands or use hand sanitizer, stay safe!

Please click on images to download or view full form.

Thank you,
Ashok Panigrahy, Bea Luna, & Jen Dobberstein